
🔍 A summary of the system

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You have one general inbox where everything enters your system. That's the energy database. Every unit of energy gets assigned to a process. We call these processes engines, and they each have their own steps and workspace. One of the possible follow-up steps is for the information to be absorbed into an item in the knowledge database. Knowledge is defined as permanently useful information.

<aside> <img src="/icons/light-bulb_gray.svg" alt="/icons/light-bulb_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Important information for current users of productivity systems

The KEE System is deliberately set up to be simple. There are only a few properties per database and hardly any formulas. It's, therefore, easy and welcome to migrate from your existing Notion databases and properties into KEE. The only requirement is you remember and maintain the foundational principles of the KEE databases.

That being said, it's not necessary to migrate all your existing data to KEE to get started. There's so much value in starting with a clean slate. In fact, a core principle of KEE is to actively push back against hoarding information.


🗓️ A typical week using the basic KEE system template:


Step 1: Set up your energy database

Energy database